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Thursday, November 4, 2010


I have wanted this blog to be perfect. And because of that I have stayed away, and not done much. I have wanted to focus only on what I have created, or to share with things that others have created.
Really what I am finding is that right now I need to just use this as a voice, and just be myself and share who I am. I guess if I were trying to be anything other than authentic, there wouldn't be anything worth reading. Maybe there isn't anyway, but I am moving back to South Carolina, and this will be a great way for me to communicate what I am doing with those who care to know...

I spent 4.5 hours on the phone with an old friend tonight. It was way over due. Its so funny how I remember when she was going to prom with her loser boyfriend and I barely knew her...to her becoming someone I spent all my fun time with. We certainly had enough in common in those days, we liked to shop, go out and laugh and talk about BOYS!! We had our own language if we wanted to bolt from a dud or talk to a hottie...we really didn't have a care in the world. 9/11/2001 happened and that changed many lives including ours forever. She wanted to do something, we all wanted to. But she did. She was brave and signed up for the National Guard. I am talking about at 21 years old and 100 lbs soaking wet, never really been outside the area she grew up went and joined the National Guard. I was so proud of her. Still am.
She fell in love in boot camp.
We don't have so much in common any more, she is a mom of two beautiful babies, married to a hottie, so far from a loser!! She lives a half a world away from all that she knew and her husbands job is to keep the whole world safe at the risk of his own life.
There was a time before she left to go to boot camp that I was really, really mean to her. We lost touch, but I never stopped thinking about her. I always wondered if she would forgive me, and I am so lucky that she had it in her heart to do so. I can tell her anything. She will always be in my heart, no matter where we live. She was a TRUE friend to me, no natter what.

I am moving back to South Carolina. That has been my home base, never stopped calling it home, even in the 7 years that I haven't lived there. I have mixed emotions about it all. It is a little scary, very exciting, and completely overwhelming right now with all the packing I have a head of me. Deep down I know that there is a plan. Don't know what it is, but there is one...Life is about the journey. 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Long time, no blog

So as I am getting ready to really get this blog in gear, I am also getting my Etsy store in gear as well...I now have my banner and avatar and all the other little things that I need to have for the construction of my store. The next step will be to get the items that I want to sell ready. I will share that on the blog as well.

It amazes me how much information and support is "out there"...online. There are tons of resources, and books, blogs from others who have done what I am wanting to do, that did it before me, and run into the same issues and answered the questions. I would have saved lots, I MEAN LOTS of time on my Etsy banner had I just googled it first. I thought I knew something that I didn't. One of the resources that I has been an inspiration is kellyraeroberts.com She just is an inspiration that is beyond words. How I "found out" about her is a kinda funny, but ultimately facebook. If you don't know of her, find out NOW!!!!  She has an e-book series and a printed book both called Taking Flight. This will not be the last you hear about her!!! She isn't a girl crush, but lets call her an artist crush!! I'm ok with that...

I think I might do a blog just on Kelly, is that Cyberstocking, gosh I hope not!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sophomore Attempt.....

I have been so excited about my blog, I haven't been able to decide what to blog about next!!! I think I warned you that with everything going on inside my head, that I would recommend a hard hat...

This summer has been full of crafting and creating!! In the fall my friend Jen (pay attention, she is a reoccurring  main character!!) wanted to paint her son Jacob's (so is he!!!) room and wasn't really sure what she wanted to do. She knows that I love all things decorative and asked my opinion,(I love her much,she just hasn't learned how dangerous that is yet!! Bless her heart!) and my first suggestion was to find a comforter that she liked and use it for inspiration rather than to paint the room and try to find something the other way around. One night while we were out and about we stuck GOLD!!!! 

So now Jen and I had to decide how we wanted to paint the room, and she wanted to do something fun, and had been saying something about circles. I was inspired with all the color and stripes, and Jen trusted me.....
We came up with the pattern and some other crazy ideas including a new way to arrange the room. Jacob was really excited to see the progress take place!!! The ultimate goal was to paint a lion and a few other things on the wall, but instead I ended up painting the lion on a canvas. Still have a few other things up my sleeve to come once it has cooled off out side and we are trapped inside again for winter LOL!!

It stinks that I live in an apartment...I love how this looks! I wish I could paint MY walls like this!!! I am pretty sure that Jacob likes it too! When he sees the lion he says, "ROAR!!" I have to say that the taping was the hardest part, but when you have a good partner that makes it fun and some good tunes, time flies!!!

Monday was my day off, I thought before I sign off I would share a little about my day. I had to do some running around..I took Jen this wicker chest that I don't have room for anymore in my tiny apartment. Blah, Blah Blah...took some items to my FAVORITE store in Rochester, KISMET!!! It is so hard to not want to leave with everything there. There was this lime green leather chair, it was LOVE AT FIRST SITE!!! I should so be in the business that I could shop all day for other people and make there homes beautiful. I mean, I do have a degree!!! I have watched enough HGTV!!! EXCUSE ME!!! I have a LAW degree(Law and Order) AND medical degree(Grey's and ER) so why can't I have a design degree????  I don't need another chair for me or Lulu (my kitty cat, MAIN CHARACTER!!!), we have plenty already and I know I was just saying something about lack of room or something....

Truth is, if I had had the money in hand that day I would be sitting on a lime green leather chair right now. So I come home, a little sad about the chair, trying to imagine how this blog will make me rich because someone will "discover" me and I will live in a home big enough that I can have all the lime green chairs I want and paint the walls whatever colors I wish!! Just as I hit the mail box preparing my self for a bill or two I turned (I wipe a tear from my eye. sniff, sniff) the corner to see that there was a give away in the hallway that caught my eye!! (if this were a romantic comedy it would be the lime green leather chair waiting for me) But it was just a slightly beat up brown 70's era end table that matches the end tables that I already have. I knew that I had to have it and the price was just RIGHT!!! I grabbed it and as I rode the elevator to my floor not having any idea what I was going to do with it,or where in the world it would fit,  I was excited about the possibility!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Virgin Blogger no more....

Why do all the good ideas come at the most inconvenient times at night? The idea of starting a blog has been something that I have been tossing around for at least 6 months. Then I found out that I could enter to be on a design team for a scrapbook paper co. that I am in love with...and they want you to have a blog....so I have been juggling these ideas in my head. Now, lets pretend that you are someone who doesn't know me, I would have to let you know that anything going on inside my head, and anything in a 10 feet diameter outside my head is a danger zone for small children and everyone else should be cautious and hard hats wouldn't be a bad idea. I, myself, own a helmet, and should wear it more often.
So now I have the perfect excuse for anyone who asks why I started a blog....so I can enter to be part of a design team. That's not all. While I have been marinating the idea, I fell on the website Etsy. WOW! How cool of a web site is that? I want my own store! Because I NEED money to buy what everyone else is selling!!!!! So I didn't want to start a blog until I had a name for an Etsy store and I wanted it to all be the same name. IT HIT ME!!! and now, I couldn't wait until morning, I had to do it all tonight!!!!  This should be interesting, will anyone actually read this?? LOL