So as I am getting ready to really get this blog in gear, I am also getting my Etsy store in gear as well...I now have my banner and avatar and all the other little things that I need to have for the construction of my store. The next step will be to get the items that I want to sell ready. I will share that on the blog as well.
It amazes me how much information and support is "out there" There are tons of resources, and books, blogs from others who have done what I am wanting to do, that did it before me, and run into the same issues and answered the questions. I would have saved lots, I MEAN LOTS of time on my Etsy banner had I just googled it first. I thought I knew something that I didn't. One of the resources that I has been an inspiration is She just is an inspiration that is beyond words. How I "found out" about her is a kinda funny, but ultimately facebook. If you don't know of her, find out NOW!!!! She has an e-book series and a printed book both called Taking Flight. This will not be the last you hear about her!!! She isn't a girl crush, but lets call her an artist crush!! I'm ok with that...
I think I might do a blog just on Kelly, is that Cyberstocking, gosh I hope not!!